Hoop Mountain Dynamic Scoring Camp

Upcoming Events

Hoop Mountain Dynamic Scoring Camp

  • Date: 07/09/2024
  • $590.00

DATES:  July 9th, 10th, and 11th 2024
$590.00 (RESIDENTIAL) $450.00 (DAY 8:30 AM – 9:30 PM)






This is the fourth year we are offering the dynamic scoring camp.  The camp is designed to take a hybrid approach of blending, traditional skills and drills, and implement a new innovative way to teach players thus yield a progression for campers.  During the camp our players will learn when, why and how to use different skills, learned from the camp for in game situations.

Throughout the camp players will work on dynamic finishing, full scale read and react options off a variety of on and off ball screens, defensive footwork, and a wide range of scoring options.  Kingswood Oxford boys coach Brad Seamen has been a cutting-edge professional trainer for over eight years and will be directing the camp.  Brad grew up spending every summer at Hoop Mountain. As a long time camper, Brad could not soak up enough basketball expertise each summer. Brad’s quest was to become the best player he could be. His tireless drive allowed him to play college basketball at Suffolk University. Upon his graduation at Suffolk, Brad set his sights on becoming the finest basketball trainer. Today Brad is able to make the claim many of the players he began training at their beginning of development have emerged as exceptional high school and college players. For example, Brad started training Gavin Griffiths while he was in the sixth grade. In the class of 2023 Gavin was ranked twenty second in the country. Brad has also coached Gavin at Kingswood Oxford over the past four years. Brad plans to incorporate a variety of new technology to allow for full engagement in skill training.  Players will acquire confidence in their basketball skills and increase their basketball I.Q.  Also, we sincerely hope campers use these new methods to train their games.

Features of the Dynamic Scoring Camp

  • Extensive emphasis on proper footwork
  • Stress on how to finish at the rim against length
  • High level ball handling, techniques to constantly stay on the floor
  • Learning on how to play off the ball
  • Learn how to compete with athletic and stronger athletes on the offensive end
  • Concentration on creating mid-range jump shots
  • Become a superior three-point shooter
  • Learn how to play multiple positions on the offensive end
  • Become unguardable versus man-to-man defense
  • On court training and video analysis on athletes

Typical Schedule

7:00 Wake Up

7:30 Breakfast

8:00 Optional one on one training

8:30 Attendance

8:45 Dynamic Stretch

9:00 Drills to become Efficient

9:45 Drills to create space to shot mid-range shots

10:15 Film break down

10:45 Canteen break

11:00 Three on three games

11:30 Drills and open court play

12:15 Lunch

12:45 Optional one-on-one training

1:15 Attendance

1:30 Dynamic stretch

1:45 Drills to get open

2:30 Two-man offensive basketball

3:15 Five on five game

4:15 Canteen break

4:30 Film breakdown

5:00 One-on-one play

5:30 Dinner

6:00 Optional one-on-one training

6:30 Attendance

6:45 Dynamic Stretching

7:00 Shooting Stations

8:00 Five-on-five games

9:00 Optional one-on-one training and free gym + canteen

10:00 Return to dorm

10:30 Lights out


“Attending the Hoop Mountain Dynamic Scoring camp last year exposed me to a new way of learning the game.  After the camp I couldn’t wait to return home to implement what I learned at camp into my training regimen.  The coaching staff gave me some great drills to improve my ability to finish around the basket. I was not expecting the coaches to have so many new drills for me to use and I am excited to keep working on them.”

Bill Thompson

Hoop Mountain Camper 2021

“After spending last summer at the Hoop Mountain Dynamic Scoring Camp, my game took a big jump. Coach Brad and his staff taught me so many new methods to score the ball. The staff was extremely knowledgeable in the art of offensive basketball. My game when I returned after camp became so explosive. I can’t wait to come back this summer!”

Matt Boyton

2023 Camper

Wheaton College – Norton Massachusetts

Wheaton College is conveniently located 30 minutes from downtown Boston. Hoop Mountain provides a very safe and healthy environment for your children.  At Hoop Mountain we conformed to all the local health standards and rules.  Campers are not allowed to leave the camp at any time without a Hoop Mountain supervisor.  As a camp we walk together from the dorm to the dining hall and to the athletic center.  Camp director Steve Gibbs also serves as the dorm director and resides in the dorm with his dorm staff and campers Wheaton College dining will cater to any camper dietary requirements.

The dorms are on the campus of Wheaton College.  Campers are given the option to commute each day and not reside on the campus.  The dorm rooms accommodate two campers.  Campers can request roommates up to two weeks prior to the start of camp.  The athletic facility is not air conditioned. We will provide industrial fans

Hoop Mountain Summer Camps

Hoop Mountain since 1986 has trained over 20,000 campers around the world. Our mission is to inspire each camper to become the best version of themselves. Over 50 Hoop Mountain participants have become NBA players and in excess of 40 Hoop Mountain staff members emerged as NBA coaches. It’s a testimony to Hoop Mountain boasting the finest camp for staff and players.

Our mission is to unlock the potential in each camper. Our hands-on staff has been committed since 1986 to help campers develop their skill set. Hoop Mountain is solely dedicated for serious campers to attend our camps. Our daily itinerary is chalk full of elite basketball instruction.

Hoop Mountain camps have appeared in 37 states and eight countries around the world for 38 years. New England was the birthplace of Hoop Mountain camps, showcases, tournaments, college consulting, and special events. We take great pride in New England to offer girls and boys a venue to take their game from good to great.